
Tunify.me app

Tunify is a tool capable of copying the profound resources we activate in our successful behavior. Therefore, it proposes to our mind to use these resources to solve all those situations in which we feel inadequate due to phobias, limitations, unwanted moods, and so on.
It makes use of advanced audio technology and relies on robust psychological theories.
I lead the design of the Android and iOS apps. Also, I managed a team of developers and develop some part of the code itself.

The process 

I started analyzing the process with the scientists who ideate this technique and this product. The idea behind is already well tested with professional athletes in the course of the last decades, so no need to validate the technology. I focused then on the user experience with analysis of flows, best practice and technical challenge. 

After the initial analysis, I created the first batch of users flows and organized a lo-fi prototype validation test with real users. The validation process highlighted some cognitive friction I didn't notice at first. The user wasn't able to complete the intended task because of a lack of current status of the process. They were constantly wondering how many steps the had to complete. I then added to the UI a graphical element which shows the number of needed steps and the current steps. In this way, the user has evidence of the state of the progress on the task. Then, I asked them to repeat the test and this time the things have gone many ways better.


User Interface

Once completed the UX flows design, I focused on the UI. As usual, I started from a Pinterest mood board to organize and collect inspirations.


Then, I started with the UI design with Sketch app. The output was represented by several sketch files (one for each user journey) and an interactive prototype which was shared with users for the last batch of user testing.


Once closed and get the approval of the UI artifacts, I exported all the screen to Zeplin which give developers all the specs for create a pixel perfect UI in Android and iOS Operating systems.

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